Sunday, July 20, 2008

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Although I had (forced myself to) finished reading Eclipse on Saturday evening, I am still mesmerized by it. Although the book is the third in the series, it is actually the second that I read thoroughly (I couldn't bear to read through New Moon, though I might eventually) and only the first one I read in English, the reason being it is not yet available in Indonesian so I forced myself to buy it. Honestly though, I prefer reading books in their original language, and am planning to buy Twilight as well as New Moon in English too ASAP.

Anyways, let's get back to the book, although I doubt that there will be much to say about it cause Stephenie is just an awesome writer in a way that makes my limited words fail. I cannot even begin to describe her ability to really draw you into the book, see things the way Bella sees it, and feel all the emotion that Bella feels. I don't know if it's just me, since I really do identify myself with Bella a lot, but reading through these books left me pretty much numb afterwards. Numb only because as I look around me I suddenly realize Edward is not there. Yeah. It's THAT bad for me. And although I dislike the plot twist with Jacob, I can't really help myself not to feel awful for breaking his heart too. So at the end of the story... I really can't wait for the next book to finally come out! Even if it is hazardous to my mental health. LOL.

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